Cовременное тестовое оборудование и технологии
Рус Eng

Results of participation in the exhibition «RUSNANOTECH 2009»

Second international forum and exhibition «Rusnanotech 2009» on nanotechnologies took place in Expocentr on the 6-8 of October in Moscow.




Exhibition was devoted to the applied aspects of nano- materials and –technologies usage and is carried out for commercialization of the nanotechnology engineering and development of nano- industry. The latest nano-technology developments of the Russian and foreign markets were demonstrated at the exhibition.

Being one of the active participants of the Russian nano-technologies sphere, «Sovtest ATE» presented our latest developments in the fields of energy saving and renewable energy sources, production of nano-products and microelectronics, testing of electronic devices, which were made with the help of nano-technologies.
Results of the exhibition became several arrangements on the realization of our solutions in the field of PV energy (production of solar batteries, energy installations, etc.) and microelectronics.

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